Avoid JPG Files

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JPG Files are designed to hold compressed photographic images. This compression is "lossy" which means that the files are smaller but the quality of the image is reduced. With normal photographs, the compression is not noticeable. When JPG compression is used on line art images (which is the sort of image Efofex products produce), the compression is very noticeable. Edges become fuzzy and you will often see a "halo" of random dots around your image. You can see the halo in this zoomed in version of an Efofex graphic saved in JPG format.




This halo artifact is built into the JPEG format and means that JPGs are usually an inappropriate format for any graphics you produce with Efofex products.


If you want to use a bitmapped (raster) output format, we STRONGLY recommend that you use the PNG format which also has high levels of compression but is "lossless". This means that sharp edges are maintained. Here is the same Efofex image saved as a PNG file.

