Symbols |
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Mathematicians use a large number of specialised symbols and FX Equation attempts to make accessing these symbols as easy as possible. Any symbol that is not on the keyboard is entered using one of two methods.
Either A key is designated to be automatically replaced. The two symbols that use this approach are ° uses the ` key (usually next to the 1 on the keyboard) ´ uses the * key. The * symbol is often used to represent multiplication on computers.
A code is used and this code is automatically replaced with the appropriate symbol. The code chosen has been chosen to be easily remembered and is usually a logical combination of characters. For example
≤ is built from < and = so the code is <= ≈ is built from two wavy lines so the code is ~ ~
Some codes are built from the word describing the symbol.
∞ (infinity) the code is inf
Code Symbol < = ≤ > = ≥ < > or = / ≠ = ~ or ~= ≅ ~ ~ ≈ - = ≡ + - ± - + m * *, × or · / (followed by a space) ÷ ` or o - > → <- ← = > ⇒ < = = ⇐ dp · inf ∞ tri Δ ang ∠ perp ⊥ !and ∩ !or ∪ element ∈ notelement ∉ subset ⊂ notsubset ⊄ propersubset ⊆ es ∅ prop ∝ pd ∂ tf ∴ bc ∵ te ∃ fa ∀ nabla ∇ au Å CC Complex Number Set Symbol ZZ Integer Number Set Symbol QQ Rational Number Set Symbol RR Real Number Set Symbol NN Natural Number Set Symbol _and ∧, & or • _or ∨ _not ~ or ¬ _iff ↔ or ≡ _imp → or ⊃ _nor ∇ _qed ∴ Note: Some symbols have two codes.