RandNormal(mean, sd, number)

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Generates number normally distributed scores with a mean of mean and a sample deviation of sd.


The RandNormal function can quickly produce normally distributed data sets and can produce data sets with almost exactly the given mean and standard deviation.


For example, RandNormal(60,15,30) might return


71.14, 64.14, 53.42, 60.18, 85.18, 33.88, 77.8, 64.43, 54.79, 40.79, 42.7, 72.37, 69.64, 27.99, 61.92, 49.87, 64.42, 61.74, 71.67, 83.69, 70.52, 54.36, 63, 24.77, 57.12, 77.01, 57.06, 72.68, 66.49, 45.23


This set of thirty numbers has a mean of exactly 60, a standard deviation of 14.9995591 and has a distribution that looks like this:




Note:  If you type decimals using a comma (eg 3,2) you should enter this formula as RandNormal(60; 15; 30)  - using the ; as a separator